Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Reboot Update and Announcements

It's been a, well, let's just say interesting, week. I have spent the week thinking about all that I have to do and want to do. I find myself extremely over-committed and frazzled and at a loss about what to do about it. After much consideration, this is what I'm doing.

Starting this week, I'm doing an eight week version of the Grand Plan to bring some much-needed order to my home. I'm tightening up our daily routine to allow us to be more productive and add some peace to our days as well. I'm still going to be working on all the things from the Reboot Camp as well. By the way, the bible reading and working out and diet are all going quite well. The writing, not so much.

In addition to all I'm doing, there are a few things I'm setting aside for right now. I simply have too much on my plate right now. I have not been accepting books for review and won't unless something really spectacular comes up. As it currently stands, my last scheduled review is on March 10th. After that, The Bulging Bookbag will be on hiatus until Easter. This blog will be on hiatus until Easter as well. Hopefully, I will have lots of progress to report at that time.

At Easter, I will be back online with new content and hopefully some surprises as well. I plan to make some improvements and add some features, so I hope you'll join me back here April 24, 2011. See you then. I'll leave the blog open for a few days to allow for comments, then I'm taking it private so I can work on it.

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