Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Cleaning Week

Simple Mom is kicking off Spring Cleaning Week. April 12-16th. Tsh Oxenreider, the editor and writer of Simple Mom and  founder of Simple Living Media, will be leading us through the process of decluttering, cleaning, and organizing the kitchen, living room, outdoor spaces, bedrooms and bathrooms. If that's not enough for you, there are posts from last year, when she was doing a more extensive cleaning.

Tsh is also author of the e-book Spring Cleaning for Normal People. I have to tell you, I love this e-book. It makes the whole shoveling out process seem so manageable! It breaks down each room and the steps you need to take to conquer it and bring it to a maintainable state.

 The first post is up and it's a good one. Spring Cleaning Week: 4 Common Roadblocks to Decluttering. It explores some of the reasons we hang on to so much more than we need and how to get rid of it. This post was just what I needed this week to get some work done on my house. Click over to Simple Mom and check it out.

Food for Thought

"Show me a man whose Bible is falling apart and I'll show you a man whose life isn't."

Quirky Quote

“Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"”
--Robin Williams